Young girls ‘not so sweet’ on marriage

A recent survey has found that young girls are ‘less positive’ about marriage compared to other types of relationship.

The survey, by Girl Guiding UK, asked one thousand people what they thought about tying the knot and found that almost a third of the girls aged seven and 21 surveyed didn’t prefer marriage.

Credit: Maria Rosaria Sannino

According to the results, only one in five girls thought that marriage was also a sign of success – a startling comparison to attitudes half a century ago.  

In fact, boys could be sweeter on the idea of marriage – half of the boys surveyed in the same age group thinks married couples make better parents, compared to just 32% of girls.

Gemma, 22, is a newlywed: “I just knew he was the right person, it’s quite easy to just say ‘yeah’. A lot of people still live together, so it’s a similar thing, they’re still committed.”

Shop-keeper Nicola was married for four years, and now getting divorced: “You grow up, you go to university, you get a good job, but its not about the career for the woman. It’s about settling down and being a wife and having children.”

She continued: “That’s what I thought I should do. Now having been married and getting divorced, I realise it’s not something you just do because you’re supposed to do it.”

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