Thousands Sign A Petition To Stop A New Reservoir In Lincolnshire

Plans by Anglian Water to build a reservoir in Lincolnshire have received serious pushback.

Anglian Water say the reservoir is needed to keep taps in Lincolnshire running especially in the dry summer months.

The reservoir would mostly affect the village of Scredington near Sleaford and it would mean that around 50 properties would have to make way.

Over 2,000 people have signed an online petition created by Laura Wesley to stop the reservoir from being built.

She mentions on the petition reasons why she is against the reservoir being built such as people and businesses having to relocate and the value of surrounding properties being lowered by the build.

There are concerns that building the reservoir will close roads and make the area more remote and traffic more congested.



The reservoir will be expensive and has received plenty of backlash

One of the people who signed the petition is Steve Marquis, he lives close to where the reservoir is planned to be built and said “I disagree with the reservoir being built I understand that we need one in the area but I don’t think people should be removed from their homes to build one”

He went on to say that “I don’t think they (Anglian Water) have been transparent enough. This will affect people’s livelihoods and businesses and so far people haven’t had enough answers.”

A spokesperson from Anglian Water said that “they are doing all they can support the people in the area”.

This support includes consultation events where people from the area can talk to Anglian Water and discuss any issues they have with the build.

That same spokesperson added that “the reservoir is more than necessary since there is a water shortage across the country and we have to take action to solve the problem”.

The announcement was made after the UK had one of its driest summers on record and many water companies had to implement methods to help solve the water crisis like hosepipe bans.

The reservoir will take years of planning and building before it is even completed and although it has received support from MP’s it appears the people of Scredington aren’t going to move without a fight.

Anyone from the area needing support can go here to the Anglian Water Support page.

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