LSJ TV: Read all about it….but only once a week


Lincoln has a new weekly newspaper – the Lincolnshire Echo. It was published today and ran to 148 pages. It replaces the daily version of the paper because of poor circulation.

The Echo which has a proud 118 year history and was named the Regional Newspaper of the Year, six years ago, is going for a fresh start with a redesigned website and a new paper.

Professor Richard Keeble, of the Lincoln school of Journalism said: “I think it’s pitched well, I think in terms of appearance, it’s struck the right note, it’s got a bold front page but it doesn’t scream at you. I think there is a real sense of the community being alive in this”.

The Acting Editor of the Lincolnshire Echo, Steve Fletcher explained that because of declining sales the paper had to do a weekly edition to keep the Echo going.

He said: “We decided to go weekly, we think this is the best way of sustaining the Echo going forward and it’s given us a chance to design a new paper and completely restructure the editorial department and create something we think people will want to read.”

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