Fatal accidents rise on Lincolnshire roads

CarsLincolnshire roads have claimed the lives of 15 people so far.

The number of fatal accidents on Lincolnshire roads is already five times higher than what it was at this point last year.

At this current rate, deaths may exceed the highest death toll within the last 6 years which was 46 in 2011.

Last year saw the roads claim 40 lives, most of which consisted of male drivers and passengers.

While there hasn’t been more than 10 female driver or passenger deaths in the last four years, male driver and passenger deaths have averaged about 30 in the same time period.

Meanwhile, male pedestrian deaths have averaged at 3 each year with females averaging at 1.

With 4 of the deaths this year being young people, Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership are looking to raise awareness on the “fatal 4” of speeding, seatbelts, drink driving and mobile phone usage.


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