A slice of kindness: Lincoln’s Let Them Eat Cake group takes on homelessness

"A lot of them just need someone to speak to"

Marion Foster (4th from right, front) with volunteers delivering meals to Lincoln's homeless community on Monday evening.

A dedicated group of volunteers in Lincoln is committed to supporting and reducing the everyday challenges of the city’s rough sleepers.   

Every Monday night since its establishment in 2017, the nonprofit organisation Let Them Eat Cake has given food and necessities to the homeless population in Lincoln.  

Marion Foster and her husband Graham Foster are the organization’s current coordinators and have been members for six years.   

Let Them Eat Cake co-ordinator, Marion Foster (Right), with husband Graham (Left) volunteering on Monday evening.

Graham explained their work, stating: “We do the same route every week with 3 trolleys full of hot meals, hot drinks, clothes, tents, and sleeping bags, and I sit down with them and have a laugh”.   

As a former chef, Marion brings her culinary expertise to Let Them Eat Cake’s weekly efforts, cooking hot, fresh meals that are delivered throughout the city in the evening.   

Marion’s Easter meal she made to hand out to the homeless

Graham said there are fewer homeless people in the city. He added: “A few years ago, there were people in every doorway, now we don’t really know what we are going to see.”   

Their dedication doesn’t end with the distribution of meals; any leftover food is thoughtfully donated to the Pathway Centre, ensuring nothing goes to waste.  

Marion’s volunteering time doesn’t stop there: “I’m running showers every Tuesday morning at Mint Lane Cafe and have a consistent group attending.”   

With the help of a committed group of about 24 volunteers, Let Them Eat Cake continues making an effect on the community.   

Those interested in contributing can contact the team at letthemeatcakelincoln@gmail.com or through their Facebook page to make a donation or provide help.


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