A petition has been created to bring back Dogma a bar on high street which was closed three years ago. After the closure of Cote Brasserie this week, which has been open for only two years, the people of Lincoln are worried more and more as bars are slowly closing down so soon after being opened.
Hannah Schofield, a masters student at the University of Lincoln, who started the petition on Tuesday, April 24, states:
“I created the petition as a bit of a joke after a conversation with a friend. After hearing the news about Cote closing, I discussed with some friends at work how much we missed Dogma and how we never knew why it closed – it was very sudden and it was seemingly doing so well. The venue often comes up in conversation even now, whenever the sun comes out and it’s a nice beer garden day – “wish it was a dogma Sunday” “perfect dogma day”. I was joking with a friend on Facebook and said I was going to start a petition, but followed through and created one quickly.
The petition has built in momentum and more and more people are reiterating what we have said -we want dogma back! I’m not really sure what the outcome will be or what I want it to be. I never expected it to go anywhere at all, but new people are signing it at all hours of the day. I suppose now, I’d like whoever owns the building to consider the thoughts and opinions of the people of Lincoln. Dogma is missed and going out in Lincoln hasn’t been the same since. It would be nice to see it return back at its best or perhaps another bar with a similar USP.”
Dogma was popular for its cocktails and music especially among the students of Lincoln, but ended up closing in 2013 but returning as Craft Bar and finally closing in 2015. Cote Brasserie then took its place but has closed less than two years after opening which has created a shock for a lot of people.
The petition currently has 246 SUPPORTERS and the goal is 1,000 supporters to stop shops and bars closing in Lincoln.
Hannah ended her statement with:
“I expect it will probably go stale and nothing will come of it at all, but there’s always a tiny chance that the right person comes across it and creates the perfect venue given the feedback that everyone has shown about what made Dogma our favourite Lincoln drinking spot.”
To sign the petition click PETITION and help Hannah with her goal.