Lincolnshire Police are urging people to not drive under the influence this Christmas.
Last December 1369 people were breathalysed, and 115 drivers were tested for drugs.
10% of drivers tested last December failed a roadside breath test. 40% of drivers tested for drugs tested positive.
A new campaign to combat this has been launched by Lincolnshire Police, and it will run from December 1 to January 1.

Officers will ask any driver they suspect could be over the limit to give a breath test, if they commit a traffic offence or are part of a crash.
In the same way, if officers think someone is impaired by drugs, the driver will be required to do a drug swipe test.
Police Sergeant Adie Scargill, Roads Policing, Lincolnshire Police, said: “This year has been hard enough for people, yet some drivers risk making it harder by facing a criminal conviction and driving ban. This leads to a loss of job, increased financial difficulties which effect family and friends too.”
“We don’t want to spoil anyone’s Christmas, so be responsible. Don’t put yourself and others at risk of harm on the roads.”
The Lincolnshire Police say, “None of us will forget Christmas 2020, let’s not make it worse by drink or drug driving!”