The often deserted square between the Engine Shed and the university library came alive with Indian music blearing from speakers and people rubbing each other’s faces with coloured powder.
Indian student Shreesha Bhat is one of the organisers behind the event, he says Holi is about overcoming differences and celebrate love. He said:
“Holi is the festival of spring and the festival of colours. In India Holi celebrates the onset of spring after a gloomy winter. The colours have traditionally been extracted by farmers and used to celebrate the end of winter.
“Today Holi is also about bringing all kinds of people together, people of every skin colour and religion. It is a day where we forget all our differences, when we all are covered in paint, our original skin colour does not matter.”
Subash Chellaiah is an University Chaplain at the University of Lincoln. He said Holi has evolved from a Hindu religious festival to a festival of love and fun celebrated all over the world.
“It is the second year we celebrate Holi here in Lincoln and it has been very well received. For us it is all about friends and family coming together and having a good time”, he said.
Learn more about Holi by listening to City Vibe on Siren FM 107.3 or via www.sirenonline.co.uk