Fish pedicures could spread diseases like HIV and Hepititus C, experts have warned.
The new guidelines issued by the Governments Health Protection Agency, highlights that those with weak immune systems or diseases like diabetes should avoid the treatment completely.
The agency says the problem could arise if bacteria left from previous customers could be transferred.
The guidelines have been released due to the treatment, in which dozens of fish nibble at dead skin on your feet, has become increasingly popular.
The agency stated that the water contains micro-organisms, and believes that diseases could potentially be passed on if the water is not changed.
The issue could become more serious if an HIV sufferer bled in the water, allowing the virus to potentially be passed on.
The Health Proection Agency also stated that if proper hygiene standards are maintained, ‘the risk is likely to be very low’.
LSJ News spoke to Fern Henry, who recently recieved the treament, to get her thoughts.